With generous support from our local REI, Colorado Canyons Association has revamped our Trail Monitoring Program for the National Conservation Areas in western Colorado!
General Program Overview:
In monitoring the diverse recreation areas and trail types found across all three of western Colorado’s NCAs, our program empowers our volunteers to provide the BLM with relevant and timely information about how, when and by whom, these areas are being used. This information is critical to BLM’s effective management of these unique and well-loved resources and our program makes it easy for volunteers to incorporate the monitoring efforts into their everyday experiences out enjoying the trails in our NCAs!
Training Overview:
The training will provide participants with an overview of the McInnis Canyons NCA and the trail opportunities found therein, as well as background information regarding BLM trail planning, trail use and impacts, and how to collect & report observational monitoring data.
At the conclusion of the training, volunteers will know how to easily incorporate the monitoring efforts into their everyday experiences out enjoying the trails in places like Devil’s Canyon, Rabbit Valley, or the Kokopelli Trails.