CCA’s New Volunteer Program Up and Running!

In late March, Education Director, Rob Gay, and River Program Director, Dawn Cooper, welcomed two dozen eager recruits to the first-ever CCA Volunteer Orientation Class! The orientation was a huge success, with new and returning volunteers learning from our partners at the Bureau of Land Management as well as our hosts at the Eureka! Science Museum.

River Program Director, Dawn Cooper, addresses a full house at the Eureka! Science Museum classroom during the inaugural CCA volunteer orientation class.

River Program Director, Dawn Cooper, addresses a full house at the Eureka! Science Museum classroom during the inaugural CCA volunteer orientation class.

Volunteers are already stepping forward to help out on various CCA projects. The Earth Day Poop Scoop on April 19th, led by our Grand Junction VISTA, Alex Martin, has seen an increase in sign-ups from folks willing to pick up dog poop and inform the public about CCA. Classroom visits in advance of our busy spring education season are being staffed by volunteers as well, and on April 8th the largest Catalpa curriculum development team met. The entire curriculum team has been energized by these new recruits and as a result our programming is already stronger.

There are still plenty of volunteer opportunities ahead for people: further education development, on-the-ground restoration work, logistics support for our river program, or direct education volunteering out in our NCAs.

If you missed the class or would like to become involved, call (970)-263-7902 or e-mail our Education Director directly at